Real Estate Agent
Kendra O'Donnell grew up in the Colorado Rockies. She’s been a mountain girl from the start. She graduated from CU Boulder with a BA in International Affairs and a Minor in Economics. Kendra followed her heart to the Tetons in search of an active, healthy lifestyle. She has taken after her parents in pursuing a career in real estate and is committed to creating a personalized experience for each client.

Kendra O'Donnell works in 杰克逊 which has a population of 13,645. 杰克逊 has a household income of $55,196. The educational attainment of residents of 杰克逊 includes 68.01% of adults who have at least a college degree.
Residents in 杰克逊 will typically attend school in Teton County 1.

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Kendra O'Donnell

  • Real Estate Professional
185 West Broadway
P.O. Box 3281 杰克逊, 怀俄明州 83001 美国