Real Estate Agent
A New Jersey native, I first visited the Tetons at age 15 and have been playing ever since. A 30-plus year resident who elected that a life of 'quality was more important than quantity'. A two year stint in the Wall Street world in accounting and finance was enough to make the move west towards the Tetons. Having spent a majority of my time in Ski Area Management as Grand Targhee's Chief Financial Officer, I elected to share my passion for our valley and migrated towards real estate. Real estate allows me to share all of the quality of the incredible place we call home, with others. Luvnlife I say, let me make your dreams a reality!

Jonathan A. McLaren works in Jackson which has a population of 13,645. Jackson has a household income of $55,196. The educational attainment of residents of Jackson includes 68.01% of adults who have at least a college degree.
Residents in Jackson will typically attend school in Teton County 1.

Designations: Accredited Buyer Representative, Graduate REALTOR Institute, Real Estate Negotiation Expert
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Jonathan A. McLaren

  • Real Estate Professional
185 West Broadway
P.O. Box 3281 Jackson, Wyoming 83001 United States

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